Natural Look gels set

Tere is nothing more beautiful than an artificial nail that looks like a real nail. With these 5 Natural White
gels you choose the right color for the free edge and exactly match the color of the client’s nails. With this
technique you’re finished much quicker and there’s no need to do a follow up treatment for the free edge, it
will grow out invisible. When your customer has natural nails and she breaks one, it’s easy to fix
without being visible.

* for natural nail look
* easy application
* no free edge refill
* quick and effective
* for men and women
* for normal and bitten nails
* 5 shades of white in the set, all 5 and also additional 2 shades available separately

When your customer has natural nails and breaks a nail, you
can easily recover the broken nail invisible with this
technique. Because the color of the free edge is
identical to the color of the natural nail,
you also cannot see the difference
at the free edge.

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SKU: 104300 Category: